Well...today was a great day...and we are really tired!!!
Thanks to everyone for donating your stuff and for coming by today!!!
We raised $2,000.00 today!
Praise the Lord, we are grateful.
We still have lots of stuff left so I will be doing Craig's List and another garage sale to close it out on a Friday coming up.
FYI: I still have these things left:
Kitchen Table
6 chairs
1 Big chair
custom arrangements
1 New custom Queen bedding set
3 Monkey's (girls shoes, 3 girls purses, boy clothing, Juicy Maternity Jeans)
Give me a shout if you want a pic of something!
Early this morning. Thank you Gigi for watching the kids!
Reese is still eating her breakfast here.
I have decided Beck looks like me in his eyes.
Our family with our Incredibly awesome sign!!!
Thank you sweet helpers!!!
Richard, LaVonda, Margo, Sara, Bethany and her mom Robin
I could NOT have done it without you!!!
LaVonda...you were sent from the Lord to help us with this and I am not joking...at all...Seriously!!! Thank you for giving your time!!! FYI: You can hire her to run your garage sale for you. Contact me if you want her info or friend her on FB. LaVonda Wright.

We love our new Africa t-shirts. Thank you
Erin K and
Carrie B for letting me buy them!
Erin's shirts go towards Esther's House Orphanage and Carrie's shirts are for their adoption!
Mine is from Erin and Nick's is from Carrie.
We had a great time @ the Razorback game last Saturday!
Butlers, us, Monahans and Blackwells
Me and my sweet friend Rachel...
Rachel is moving to San Fransciso in about a week and a half. I am soooooo oooo ooo sad to see her go but am equally excited for the opportunity for her and Ryan to pastor at First Baptist San Francisco. What an opportunity for the Lord. I know God has great things in store...I can't wait to see all that God will do. They are wonderful and precious friends, a great blessing to us.
We will miss them dearly...
handsome boy...
Nick preaching this past Sunday @ CPH
Reese with Peyton and Parker @ Shiloh Game in Dallas.
The Cowboys stadium was awesome.
Me with my sweet Jen from Dallas...miss you girl! Great to see you!!!

While in Dallas we were able to see our friends Deb and Jarrett Stephens with their 2 girls...Kelsey on left, Riley in middle. When we lived in Dallas, Riley and Reese were big friends. Even though Reese can't really remember much, its like they picked up where they left off. Precious.
Nick getting fingerprinted for our FBI clearance for the adoption. ha.
OK...I soooo enjoyed hearing Michelle Duggar from (19 Kids and Counting!!!) speak to our MOPS group @ church on Wed. She lives in our area. She spoke to us on Child Training: Building Godly Character. It was excellent. I will implement her material. She is a Godly woman who lives out the importance of being a faithful wife and a loving mom. Her girls played for us as well. It was great. What a blessing to have Michelle with us!
Me and Marci with Mrs. Duggar!!!