Well... "surprise" for those of you who didn't know....we have moved! ha. random! Not really I suppose...b/c God is in it. We believe that God has called us to Nick's old stomping ground...Northwest Arkansas!! Yes that is right folks...the great state of Arkansas...Go Razorbacks!!! It really is beautiful here...don't knock it till you try it! It is bittersweet...we will soooo miss Prestonwood and all of the sweet friends God has given....but are excited about this new chapter. This blog is a crazy blog b/c it has the last few weeks before we moved...some of our "get together before we move meals" with friends....all the way up till now...2 weeks after moving into our rent house here in AR. so make sure you scroll all the way down!
Nick's Dad has 1 church, 2 locations...(like Pwood). Nick will office out of Pinnacle Hills...the other church is First Baptist Springdale. Pinnacle Hills campus is about 20 min north...in Rogers, AR. This is part of the church...there is a baptistry at the foot of the crosses...B-E-A utiful...makes me want to get baptized all over again!!!

We went to eat with Marc and Lindsay Rylander before we moved....Marc was our Campus Pastor @ Pwood North. Thanks Marc and Lindsay...we love you guys! Keep running hard for the Kingdom...we know you will!!!

ok, so about a week before we were to move...our sweet friends, the Andersons invited us over for Sunday dinner...which would be a normal occurence...but when we arrived....there were a million cars outside...ha. I am telling you....I was so overwhelmed by God's graciousness to us by giving us such sweet friends when I walked in that door...I wanted to just cry...but I tried to pull it together b/c there were cameras and lots of faces! ha. Scott and Beth Anderson....you guys are such sweet friends. We are blessed to know you....I only hate that we were just getting to really know you really really good!!! you hula hooper you!
(they even decorated with Arkansas stuff too) They had thrown a surprise party for us from both of our young married classes....Scott and Beth became our Directors for our 2nd young married class...and Scott is now teaching it as well.

Our sweet precious friends...Ben and Jen Hangartner. Ben became our director for our class last year and has now taken over as the teacher in that class. Jen was about to have little Kennedy in this picture....about a week out I believe.

There were sooo many kiddos! wow...Beth always said she likes to have people over...ha. Matt Davis also took a group shot of everyone but I don't have it on my computer to put up here...but they blew it up and framed it for us...I love it and will treasure it always. Thank you Matt and Beth!

Scott and Beth went all out! They borrowed a blow up Razorback from their neighbor...

Scott and Beth Anderson (this was there house)

My ladies...Kelly Anderson, Beth Anderson (not related) Me and Jen

This is Reese in the ChickFila thing with Riley Stephens...our other sweet friends that we will miss sooo much! Riley and Reese were big friends!

Me and Jen chowing down on a Chilis dessert....it is my fav!

We also went out one last time with Sean and Tara Cross....they helped plant the North campus but are back at the Plano campus now....we will miss you guys and love you very much. Thanks for taking us in!

One last Maggiano's experience before we left...wow...love it love it love it....will miss it miss it miss it. oh well.
Robbie and Kelly Anderson, Ben and Jen Hangartner, me and Nick.

Well....we had movers come and pick up our stuff on Monday and we had to clean that day...we were not going to drive to AR until Tuesday morning after we let the carpet cleaners in....movers were going to deliver Wed morning in AR. So Ben and Jen invited us to stay over Monday night so we wouldn't have to stay in an empty house Monday night....ha...Jen had a newborn and here we were staying over....along with my mom....too...Well...we had sooo much fun... I am so glad we decided to do it! Woohoo....slumber party at the Hangartners!!! We owe you!

I showed Jen how to make bows...here Nick is assisting with glue gun..ha. Kingston and Reese watched a movie in his room together...veggie tails...at like 9 pm....she fell asleep....it was the cutest thing....one day they are really going to kill us.

Ben...you are crazy! here he is modeling our bow collection!

Nick with little Kennedy.

Kingston and Reese...big friends..ha

OK...so that was Monday night...Tuesday morning Nick went over, let the carpet cleaners in and we hit the road....Tuesday night we stayed with Nick's parents and met the movers on Wednesday....I am getting tired again just thinking about it. Sidenote...my sweet mother came from FL to move with us...she stayed with us thru the whole move..we could have not done it with out her...thank you mom!! your the best mimi in the whole world...and I need to give a shout out to Bobo too....thanks Bobo for letting us borrow her.
SO>>>here we are in Arkansas...this is our Rent house...it is basically a God deal....God provided us a great rent home as we wait for our home in Tx to sell....(if anyone wants to buy it...call me...) seriously...call me. I love this new house too...God is so gracious...He alone is Provider...all we have is His...He gives and takes away. It is all His anyways. So, we are thankful for this provision.

ok, girls...for those of you who have requested pics...here are some...I will have to put up the rest of the house next time....i need to finish taking pics.

Living room

other side of living room

dining nook

Reese's room

Reese's playroom....

backyard view...i love it b/c there are no houses ...and especially when the leaves come in ...it will be even better...the crazy thing about the whole deal is that privately I told the Lord I would really love to have a home with trees in the backyard...but I knew that it was probably highly unlikely....b/c i thought we would be in an apt....etc. but God always "abundantly " works things out....I love the view when I look out the window...it is beautiful. Thank you Lord, you are a God of details (reminded of that tonight again from a friend)....You are sweet to me.

Mim and Reese

Happy Love Day everyone!!! our little Valentine was rocking her Valentine outfit!

Mommy and Daddy (really mommy) couldn't resist buying this HUGE balloon at Walmart for Reese for Love day. She loved it...it was a huge hit...1 point for cool mom of the year.

Cousins Parker and Peyton came over Vday morn...Gigi brought us cin rolls...yum! Thanks Gigi!

Our new house has jets in the mas tub....lots of bubbles...Reese is making herself right at home!

Welcome to Arkansas everybody~
(and p.s....all of you who promised you would come visit...we are ready when you are...you are always welcome @ the Floyd home....love you guys )