Today, our church met @ Prosper Highschool for the last time...after church everyone went over to pray and sing at the new building. We will have our 1st Service there next Sunday!!! Wow, amazing! This is Reese and Graham Rylander! Graham's dad is our campus pastor. Leave it up to the pastor's kids to break the rules!!!

Feeding the ducks last week. Ha!

Reese is so cool!

Nick and I love this picture

We miss you Aunt OLIVIA! My sister Olivia came to visit several weeks ago. We had so much fun. Olivia is 17 months younger than me, is married and lives in Cinncinnatti OH. We had such a great time...and Olivia had not seen Reese since Thanksgiving last year! That is tooooo long. Thanks Jason for letting her come! This is us manning our yard sale...ha! Savannah, our community had a community wide yard sale the Sat. that Olivia was she had to help me! We made $17.00....ha!

Ok, this is the funniest thing ever. It was Olivia's birthday the day she flew I had to get a little "somethin, somethin"! Well, I had forgotten to get her a cake, but saw this at the grocerie store on the sale bakery rack!!! was so funny looking that I HAD to buy it....We still don't know exactly what this thing is???? HA>>>> we had great laughs over tasted good though! Happy Birthday Olivia! You can count on me to get you an extra cool cake!

Last, but certainly not least...I would like to give a shout out to Mrs. Kimberly Hill~ Thanks for getting on me to update the blog! love you!