Hope everyone had a great Christmas! This year we had Christmas morning with Reese, rushed to the airport and flew to my parent's home in FL.
I grew up in Sebring, Florida....I loved it!
Jason (my bro in law), Olivia (my younger sis), me, Nick, Brian (my older bro) and Abby (the youngest). We opened presents Christmas night after we flew in that day.
All of my siblings....
My mama..."Mimi"
Dad and Mom
This is Granddaddy Clyde, my mom's dad. He is holding up his "ugly jug". Abby made it for him for Christmas in art class....my grandparents love art!
As soon as we arrived at home...Reese was on the go! Here she is on the airboat...covered in black smudge stuff from the trampoline.
Abby's tree swing she made.
Nick caught a frog on the trampoline and let Reese touch it.
Reese has never been so dirty in her life...seriously...a little dirt never hurt anyone!
Granddaddy and Reese on the back porch swing. I want one of these one day. I have done a lot of swinging on that swing. My Dad's parent's owned this home before we did....that swing has been there along time!
Jason and Nick went turkey hunting....they went on several hunting escapades...my Dad has bought them each their own camo oufit for when they visit! ha.
ok, so one of the many highlights of the trip was Reese and her new kitty! Someone gave it to Abby several weeks earlier. Reese woke up each day wanting to go outside and check on the kitty...she fed the kitty her food one by one...and dumped out her water many times in attempt to carry it around for the kitty to different spots. ha!
One of Reese's current hobbies is putting on bandaids.
Aunt Abby (AWEBEE to be correct...Reese learned how to say it and has not stopped saying it and today is jan 10!!!) put braided pigtails in her hair.
Me and Dad after church
Dad and all of his girls!
Reese fell asleep with Aunt "O" and Uncle Jason on the hammock. Good life!
Aunt Abby with Reese and Anna Sjoblom on the Gator. Reese wanted to go on the "beep beep" ALLLLL of the time.
My aunt and uncle and cousin and her family came to visit while we were down. They are from Plant City, FL.
Jamie's little girl...Aubrey
Ok, so when we were younger we would put on shows for our parents or for whoever would watch or for no one...you know you all did that!!! ( i think) So...the only difference about us is that we have not stopped!! ha! Abby and I enjoy our yearly performances...Olivia not so much. She would not perform with us!!! Abby and I danced to "Sisters" from "White Christmas". It was fun! Anytime Abby...hopefully I will never outgrow dancing with you!!!
Happy 25th Birthday Nick, my love! We celebrated Nick's B-day while we were there. He likes choc chip cookies..not cake FYI>
Did some baking for everyone too!
We took Reese up to the barn to feed the horses...here she has her carrots ready to go!
My Dad has a hardware store...with lots of John Deere tractor stuff...Reese literally sat on probably 75% of them~
We celebrated Christmas early with Nick's Fam....We were given Cowboy tickets to the Ravens game...we took Josh and Kate with us. (Josh is Nick's older brother)
We had so much fun...but it was so cold...and we lost!!!! as you know

Josh and Kate have Peyton and Parker. They went to church with us on that Sunday.
Gigi and Poppi (Nick's parents) gave Reese a table and chairs for Christmas!!! It is precious~
enough said...