OK...so this is me and our new computer...yay!!! Nick took me shopping for my birthday already...so I wasn't expecting anything else....but tonight when I walked into the living room...he was standing proudly beside a big Mac Box...grinning from ear to ear...I was in shock...I couldn't believe my eyes!!!! He had bought me a new computer!!! oh my! He told me he had to visit someone in the hospital after work today...so that sounded pretty normal....but he really went to buy this computer....Wow...what a great gift you have given Nick Floyd....you surprised me....Thank you!!! The background on all of this is that we have been needing a computer for awhile now...and we had decided we wanted to buy a Mac...Nick wanted a laptop, I wanted a desktop....So we were in discussion....(more like both trying to point out all of the positives of our own side..ha) but anyways...that was where we were...but this morning I really felt the Lord saying...give it up Meredith...go with what Nick would like...so I said ok God. I was really ready to go with the laptop....So I had it written down to tell him that I just wanted to do what he wanted....but then.......... here he comes home with this new DESKTOP!!! oh my goodness...God you are so gracious...and Nick had decided that this was really best for us...SO...that is the story behind our new computer...Nick is so sweet to me and so is God. God is truly the Provider able to surpass expectations!

Reese needed to get in on the action!

Nick had fun setting his new toy up!

This is Abigail Bone...my youngest sister. She came to visit us for the 2nd half of her Spring Break. She spent the first half in Cincinnatti with my other sister Olivia. We had so much fun...this is us after working hard on our front flowerbed....we planted flowers together...it was the first time for both of us...so basically....translation...we had no idea what we were doing...but oh well..they look good and they are still alive 3 days later! Thanks Abby!

Above...our beautiful finished product!

Reese loves pushing this cart around. Thank you Mrs. Biance for buying it for her...she loves it!

She pushes it allllllll over the house....I look up and she is down the hall...shuffling her little behind back and forth...scooting along on her little knees...it might possibly be the cutest thing yet!!!!

Aunt Abby with Reese

Come back soon Abby!